Lift Strength and Conditioning is a private, appointment only facility designed for athletic development. we offer approximately 1500 sq ft and feature 20 meters of indoor turf for speed, agility and quickness work. for strength and power production, We have tWO squat racks and Olympic weightlifting PLATFORMS equipped with Pendlay Olympic plates and every kind of bar imaginable. IN addition we utilize safety Plyo boxes, Freemotion cable machines, powerblocks, Dumbbells, kettlebells, sleds, ropes, rings, assault bikes, a full assortment of medicine balls, a gHD and just about any other tool you can think of to get the job done.

At Lift we're not just about the training, however. we also have all the tools to properly assess you, develop your program, and track your progress. Our performance evaluation includes speed and agility testing, vertical jump testing, and strength and power testing with the Beast sensor bar sensor. we analyze posture and movement quality through various assessments including PRI and FMS. exercise technique analysis software is used to ensure progress toward your goals and to keep you safe. and body composition testing is done with the Inbody 270.

Because proper recovery is an integral component to your success we also offer a range of services including on site nutrition counseling IN ADDITION TO AN EXTENSIVE NETWORK FOR MASSAGE, PHYSICAL THERAPY, ACUPUNCTURE, AND YOGA for treatment before or after workouts.